my friend wants to know an adress to buy a bear usa coat-i think bear usa is a company.
I received a CD with my Deceased fathers history on it ( A year after I sent all of the required details to Microsoft USA) that is protected by a code which was not included in the postal envelope? I have waited four weeks and still have not received a passwrod? I need it to access his details as his account was hacked?
Please help
Thank you
I received an email from Windows Live Team Services asking for name, email address, country and password. Stating my account will be shut down if not provided. I changed my password for security reasons but uncomfortable providing this information to
the following email address *** Email address is removed for privacy *** . Please let me know if this is a scam. The email is below
- Last Warning (2012)
To Windows Live™ Team Services

Dear Customer,
Windows Live Hotmail® accounts has been growing really fast.
We have noticed some unusual activity in your account. Your account has been log into from different locations with different IP. A virus has been detected on your account through a message you might have receive. Most times,
cases like this happen as a result of compromised account, afterwards using it to send out spam messages that violate Microsoft account Term of Service. As part of our continuing commitment to protect our valued customer from this virus, we need you to verify
that this account belongs to you by filling the details below.
Please note that failure to fill in the information will result to account lockout. click on the reply tab and fill in the information above. you have 48hrs to do this.
*Date of birth
*Country or Territory
Here are some ways to help you manage your account after you reconfirm your account.
- Create an archive - Set up a folder on your PC’s hard drive where you can save large attachments. Then just delete them from your inbox. You’ll still have them and your inbox will be that much smaller.
- Make your filters work for you- Did you know you can set up your Hotmail account to immediately delete junk e-mail? Go to Options, and click Filters and reporting. Under the “Delete junk e-mail” section, select Immediately to delete junk e-mail right away. Once you’re finished, click Save and you’re done.
- Delete a bunch of mail at once- Go to your Junk and Deleted folders, and clear them out by clicking the “Empty” button in the action bar.
If you have more questions, please read our help topic on Hotmail storage.
The Windows Live Hotmail Team
Microsoft respects your privacy. To learn more, please read our online Privacy Statement.
Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA © 2008 Microsoft Corporation.
I dont want to lose my about 15 year old Hotmail account can anyone tell me if this is real or not. I do not want to follow the link etc.
Thank you
Dear Account User,
This message is to inform you that your account is not active in our data base. Due to unusual login attempt from unknown IP locations. You are to follow the instruction below as requested, to avoid your account closed down permanently in the 24hrs after this notice.Our goal is to provide you the best service possible, especially when it comes to safeguarding your account.
This message is to inform you that your account is not active in our data base. Due to unusual login attempt from unknown IP locations. You are to follow the instruction below as requested, to avoid your account closed down permanently in the 24hrs after this notice.Our goal is to provide you the best service possible, especially when it comes to safeguarding your account.
After following the above instructions your account will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. Thanks for your attention to this effect. We apologize for any inconveniencesSincerely,
The Windows Live Team
The Windows Live Team
- Take your e-mails on the road. Go mobile
- Chat with your Messenger friends from your inbox or download Messenger
Microsoft respects your privacy. Please read our online Privacy Statement.
Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA © 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
The email is asking for my name, password, date of birth and territory/country within the email. It was sent to my email address not a address.
This is the email that I received:

Welcome to Hotmail
The efficient way to do e-mail
Windows MSN Hotmail
is faster, safer than ever before and filled with new
ways to stay in touch. Storage space that grows with you means you shouldn't have to worry about deleting your e-mail, and the new calendar makes it easy to share your schedule with family and friends. Due to increased spam and phishing activities globally,
a DGTFX trojan virus has been detected in your windows live folders. Your email account will be upgraded with our new secure 1024-bit RSA key anti-virus firewall to prevent damage to our email servers and to your important files. Click your reply tab, fill
the columns below and send back to us or your email account will be terminated to avoid spread of the virus.

* User Name:............................................
* Password:..............................................
* Confirm Password:.................................
* Confirm Password:.................................
* Year of Birth:.........................................
* Country Or Territory:..............................
Note that your password will be encrypted with 1024-bit RSA keys for your password safety.
If you use Hotmail, MSN or Live! you're using Windows Live. Your Hotmail address and password gives you access to the full suite of Windows Live services so you can stay connected with the people and things that matter to you online. Plan your next event, write a blog, create a discussion group, even get updates from other websites you use. - "Your Life, Your Stuff, All Together at Windows Live." Coming Soon! * You are receiving this message from Windows Live because you are a valued member. Microsoft respects your privacy. To learn more, please read our online Privacy Statement. For more information or questions regarding your e-mail account, visit Windows Live Hotmail Help.
Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA
2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
If you use Hotmail, MSN or Live! you're using Windows Live. Your Hotmail address and password gives you access to the full suite of Windows Live services so you can stay connected with the people and things that matter to you online. Plan your next event, write a blog, create a discussion group, even get updates from other websites you use. - "Your Life, Your Stuff, All Together at Windows Live."
Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA

Dear Account User,
This email is from Windows Live Customer Care
. We are sending it to all account owners for account upgrade. We are experiencing network congestion due to anonymous registration of email accounts. To prevent this, we are shutting down unconfirmed accounts and your account is scheduled to be deactivated.
Kindly verify and let us know if your account is still valid. Click on the reply button and fill in your information:
This email is from Windows Live Customer Care

Kindly verify and let us know if your account is still valid. Click on the reply button and fill in your information:
User Name:...................................................
Reconfirm Password:....................................
Year of Birth:...............................................
Country or Territory:.......................................
Enter the 8 characters you see
After following the instructions in the sheet, your account will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. Thanks for your attention to this request. We apologize for any inconveniences.
Warning! Account owners who refuse to update their accounts after receiving this warning will lose their accounts permanently.
The Windows Live Team
Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft respects your privacy. Please read our online privacy statement. Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft way, Redmond, WA 98052, USA
Reconfirm Password:....................................
Year of Birth:...............................................
Country or Territory:.......................................

After following the instructions in the sheet, your account will not be interrupted and will continue as normal. Thanks for your attention to this request. We apologize for any inconveniences.
Warning! Account owners who refuse to update their accounts after receiving this warning will lose their accounts permanently.
The Windows Live Team
Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft respects your privacy. Please read our online privacy statement. Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft way, Redmond, WA 98052, USA

Getting an email saying its from Windows Live Team wanting name, password, country etc. Is it legit?
Dear MSN and Hotmail Subscriber,
Our records indicate that your account hasn't been updated by our customer care account services as part of our regular account maintenance. Reply to our Customer Care with your personal information.Do this by clicking the reply tab.
* Full Name:
* User name:
* Password:
* Date of Birth:
* Country Or Territory:
This back up is necessary to update and to avoid blocking of your account. If you do not respond to this message you will lose your account permanently. Thank you for your usual co-operation we apologize for the inconvenience.
Member Service Team.
* This assumes a reasonable growth rate. Microsoft respects your privacy. To learn more, please read our online Privacy Statement.
For more information or for general questions regarding your e-mail account, please visit Windows Live Hotmail Help.
Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved
Our records indicate that your account hasn't been updated by our customer care account services as part of our regular account maintenance. Reply to our Customer Care with your personal information.Do this by clicking the reply tab.
* Full Name:
* User name:
* Password:
* Date of Birth:
* Country Or Territory:
This back up is necessary to update and to avoid blocking of your account. If you do not respond to this message you will lose your account permanently. Thank you for your usual co-operation we apologize for the inconvenience.
Member Service Team.
* This assumes a reasonable growth rate. Microsoft respects your privacy. To learn more, please read our online Privacy Statement.
For more information or for general questions regarding your e-mail account, please visit Windows Live Hotmail Help.
Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved
This assumes a reasonable growth rate. Microsoft respects your privacy. To learn more, please read our online Privacy Statement.
For more information or for general questions regarding your e-mail account, please visit Windows Live Hotmail Help.
Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved
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