1. i needed a new account address for" family mails" when i changed ISP as the one authorised by that account was discontinued.
2. As you used to be able to sign in with several different hotmail as required i made a new address for "family use" in Hotmail
3 .Without warning the old hotmail address i have used for years was immediately discontinued . as i used that hotmail for for logging on accounts for ipad, kindle etc. that was quite brutal and annoying. why did Hotmail do this.I now have to go to the trouble of altering all my current accounts.
4. used to rate Hotmail quite highly-- not so impressed now i can tell you
5. is there any way of getting my old Hotmail address back again
I have just received the following email from *** Email address is removed for privacy *** at Microsoft Security Team. Is it real or is it a scam?
Due to congestion in all Windows Live Mail user accounts, your account will be suspended in order to prevent unwanted spyware and bots using our customer's accounts.
In order to verify your e-mail and lift the suspension limit, please use this link below to verify:
Link removed
The limit applied on your account will be lifted as soon as your account information is verified.
After this process , you may use your e-mail account as usual. Microsoft Account Security Team.
Have Outlook Express up and running on XP PC, but use only as a backup. Primarily using Win7 on newer PC and Hotmail (or is Hotmail just another name for Windows Live? Or the reverse? Everything sent from from Win7 PC (Hotmail) appears as though it was being sent from OE and has old e-mail address, which causes endless confusion as return mail is not coming to this PRIME Hotmail Address, but to OE on backup PC.
i can see that button when i use word.
Last week I update my hotmail and change to outlook, but why i cant use the outlook email address to log in/sign in MSN?
As all of my friend are using the outlook email address to log in/sign in after updated and the old address (hotmail) cannot be use to log in/sign in MSN.
Am I miss one step on this matter?
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