outlook will recieve messages from windows live but will not send them. they just go into aa pending file??



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Cannot use sign out box. Once I am reading a file in the inbox folder I cannot go back to the list of folders in the inbox.  Cannot click onto new/delete/junk/etc blocks at the top of the screen.  Am able to use those keys at the bottom of the screen.  My hotmail is working fine on my Mac computer but not on my PC.  I used Windows Vista.
09. July 2012 · Write a comment · Categories: Messenger · Tags: , , , ,

still cant log in , tried clearing contacts  cache, msn repair, complete reinstall, nothing seems to work , what good is messenger if cant use, this is new lap tpo running window7 and office and small business 2010, all new, messenger logged in for a week, ( after 2 or three tries each time ) now will not log in at all.

getting very frustrated

 I pay a premium for my account - so I'm really annoyed that I can't use it properly, as I've not been able to view or download any attachments for a few weeks now - with no error message or explanation - will someone at msn please reply and get this sorted out!!!!
Original Title: "Help."

My main calendar folder in Outlook for Mac was accidentally moved into my "Deleted Items" folder at some point.
The calendar still ran.
But, I didn't know it was in there, & when I went to manually delete items in that folder today, it took my entire calendar away.

Now I'm not able to retrive it.
It has my life in there from 2007 to 2013!
I am one of those people that literally use my calendar to tell me what to do each day & now all is lost.
I was backing up my files, only to find that the "calendar" I had been saving was Outlook's name for it -- & it is blank.

- To be clear, I am not using a server
- I did not hook up TimeMachine (but will soon because of this)
- I tried rebuilding my main identity on Outlook & it kept erroring out
Then I read an article that said rebuilding can do more harm that good if you continue to do!

The Microsoft people said if the rebuild doesn't work, they can't help.
The Mac people said I can maybe get it retrieved with forensic software, but that's about it.

Who can I even find that could help me restore this file with forensic software?
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!
I keep getting error number 0x802F0028 with Windows Live Messenger. I cannot use it to Facebook chat. I cleared the contact cache and this did not help at all. There is almost no online help for this error code other than this site. It seems to be working fine with social updates and whatnot, but I know that people are signed into facebook and they are not showing up as online. This all started when I applied an update from windows. I uninstalled the update but that did not reverse it.  HELP
It seems to be working now, but I think it might help Microsoft to know that their recent update seemed to cause the problem.
before 2 mnths i updated the messenger and it stop working it told me "the application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect .please see the application event log for more details "

so i unistalled the windows live messenger2011 and i dowloded and installed the an old live messenger and it worked again.

last 2 weeks the messenger forced me to update it and no other choice,,,and after i updated it,,,,the messenger stoped working again .

could you help about how i can make windows live messenger 2011 work again ?

Hi everybody,

I'm looking for any details since few days, without finding the right answer.
I would know if it's possible to operate sync between my BB Curve (9300) and my mac with Outllook, without any exchange of data between outlook and apple software (iCal and Contacts).
I use iCal and Contact for my personal use, and my BB curve and Outlook mac for my professional use.

So i don't want the data to be copied from iCal to Outlook and Outlook to iCal.

Parameters in Outlook mentionned the possibility to activate sync with Apple software.
But i don't want that.

I just want to get the calendar events and my contacts from outlook data to my blackberry.

Is there any possibilities to do that ?

Thanks for your response, and i apologize for my french/english.
