Hello Support team, 

Please increase the number of user accounts to max, currently they are 50 and my custom domain name is mecwel.com
at the time of signup i see there are 500 free user accounts but was assigned only 50. Please help me and add more accounts to the domain.
my website is a small business consulting firm.

thanks for help




I work for a commercial association in Brazil and I would like to migrate our e-mail accounts to live domains. I have already registered my domain there, but in order to actually start using outlook.com I would need 200 user accounts.


I have noticed that I can ask for more user accounts, but I am not sure if this is the right channel.


How can I make this request?


Thank you in advance,





Dear Executive,

I spent a lot of time to configure my domain on domains.live.com understanding that we can get upto 500 user accounts created however post the configuration i realized that only 50 users are allowed by default. The page also mentions that i can have more user accounts for free by writing to support and hence this request.

Please find the page below

I would like to request you to increase the no of users for my domain to 500 so that i am convinced this is the right solution for my company in the long run.
