I had to reload MAC OS and Office, I have a backup of the previous system, how do I import/retrieve my contacts, messages, folders from the backup. I thought everything was stored in Microsoft User data and then identies, I can see allot of information there but when I try to restore that, Office rebuilds the identity and office does not show my folders, messages, and contacts... Have I lost all of it?
I lost my emails, files, folders and contacts during a software upgrade the other day.  I am unable to restore them through the MS User Data folder but have backed up my computer through Carbonite.  I have downloaded the Office 2011 Identities/Main Identity/Data Records and Database to a Desktop folder from Carbonite but have been unable to import it into Outlook.  Any ideas???

Carbonite does not have instructions for Outlook for Mac on their website.
I have a contact reporting as blocked in Windows 8 Messenger and on Outlook.com and I cannot send messages to them from these but I can from the normal Messenger app and IMO. I cannot find anywhere that shows me how to remove the block from the first two apps can anyone help.

Thanks, Julien.
I have had MS Office for Mac for a LONG time.  I need to clear out some space on my hard drive and found big chunks of data in a folder called Microsoft User Data.  There are several folders in there that I would like to delete if it will not affect my current MS Office.
these folders are: Office 2008 Identities, Office 2004 Identities, Office X Identities.  There are a few other folders but their size is inconsequential.
What can I delete to free up some space?

also, where can I comment on potential changes to Office for future updates?

Toby Scott
received an email which looks suspicious asking for all users to:  is this legit.

Dear Mail User,
As part of the security measures to secure all email users across the world,All email users are mandated to have their account details registered as requested by the Microsoft Cyber-Crime Dept ( M C D ) .You are here by required to validate your account within 24 hours so as not to have your email account suspended and deleted from the world email server.
To get started, please click the link below:
This instruction has been sent to all Webmail Users Worldwide and is obligatory to follow.
Thank you,
Copyright © 2012 Microsoft Inc. All rights reserved. .

I found the Microsoft User Data folder in Documents per dianeoforegon's post of Nov 2011 but cannot find 'correct location' ~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2011 Identities/your identityW

I recently had a crash of my MacBook Pro and had to format and reinstall all of the applications. Fortunately I had a backup disc of all of the Data including the Microsoft User Data Folder in Documents. I now want to import all of my old emails back into Outlook 2011. Kindly help me with the steps to complete the recovery of emails into Outlook.


In my office I have 3 Macbook Airs (Bought with Lion pre-installed), all using Outlook 2011 with Exchange. All three of them have an issue where they will hang for 30+ seconds every few minutes (showing the spinning beach ball, also known as the spinning rainbow pinwheel of death), although one has it less frequently. I have scoured the web to find a solution but of everything I've tried nothing has solved it.


The setup:

All three Macbook air computers, all with Lion OS X Installed and Office for Mac 2011 and update 14.2.4


Our exchange setup is as follows:


User 1 has access to their own mailbox as well as our technical support inbox, our filed mail and main company inbox and User 2's inbox.


User 2 has access to their own mailbox as well as our technical support inbox, our filed mail and main company inbox and User 1's inbox.


User 3 has access to their own mailbox as well as our filed mail and main company inbox

These are set up using ‘Delegates’


As it stands, the inboxes for the accounts are as follows:


Technical support inbox:

Several subfolders with 20-30 emails in.


Filed mail:

Important mail with 2000+ emails in various different folders.


Main company inbox:

Important mail with 1000+ emails in various different folders.


User 1, 2 and 3's Inbox:

Several subfolders with 20-30 emails in.


The Problem:

When using outlook on a day to day basis it hangs every minute or so for 30+ seconds, which has gone up to 15 minutes at points.

During the ‘frozen’ time, mdworker, mdworker32 and Microsoft Database Daemon all take it in turns to use 90% or more of the CPU until outlook unfreezes and becomes usable, at which point these processes disappear.

Looking into this, I found that the mdworker files are associated with spotlight, Lion’s inbuilt search feature, so looked into that issue and, as a result, we have removed all non-essential emails, deleted the local caches for all the mailboxes and re-synced the mail from the server and currently stand at a bare minimum of email numbers (So we cannot remove any more and the local copies are accurate) in an attempt to reduce the amount that spotlight is indexing.


Things I have tried to solve the issues we are experiencing:

Everything detailed in this KB: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2409331

  - Nothing helped the issue.

Re-creating the identity several times (deleting and starting again)

  - This did nothing except cause long wait times whilst mail downloaded

Testing on a new user account (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2439218)

  - The hangs lessened but returned to full force soon after.

Removing spotlight’s indexing files (Microsoft Office.mdImporter)

  - Seemed to solve the problem but disabled the search functionality of outlook, which is required.

Telling spotlight not to index the Microsoft data folders

  - Didn’t seem to help the issue but made some files un-searchable

Removing all non-necessary emails and re-syncing the accounts to the server

  - Didn’t seem to help

Removing the mdimporter has so far been the only ‘succcessful’ solution in stopping the hangs but the lack of search functionality means that it is not a viable solution to the problem. It would seem that the issue is Spotlight’s indexing features that do not work entirely with outlook but I cannot see a solution without disabling it, which just isn’t viable.


Has anyone got any other solutions?

A User gets above error message when he tries to sync his calendar.  We went onto webmail and deleted the referenced calendar event, then emptied the cache in Outlook for his Calendar but the error persists.

In addition to the error message under details it says "The meeting request has already been sent and might not be updated"

Does anyone know how to cure this error?  Everything else in the account is working.

Thanks in anticipation
