New Machine with win7, 64bit, 1-SSD (C:) and 1-HDD (D:). The 1st user is running on WLMail (WLM). I would like to have a second WLMail client application running on the system for a 2nd user, so that both users don't have to run/share on the same client. We shared OE on the old computer and would now like our own, separate email client, but on this same computer.  Password/security is not an issue on each client.  Can I do this with WLM ??  


Thanks .........  Ron

Hi, My outlook would not open this am.  (switched to Mac from PC in May and had my database transferred to the new Mac).  14.2.2 Office.  I tried moving files as directed ( and 4 others) from the Library to the Desktop and then tried opening outlook to no avail.  Then moved the Microsoft User Data folder to the desktop as directed.   I can get Outlook to open now, but none of my data is there.  How do I get my data back into Outlook?  (i did make a duplicate copy and that also is on the desktop.  it is a huge file, took 30 min to duplicate)  Thanks,
Grace S.
I Deleted My Microsoft User Data Folder and Identities Folders in the Documents Folder. I Emptied the Trash too so they are gone and I do not have a backup. I Do Not Have a Backup but do not Need Anything as All Mail is on our Exchange Server. I just want Outlook to load so i can re-create my profile. I even uninstalled and re-installed Office 2011 but it did not recreate the folder structure in "Documents". When Outlook Loads it prompts for Identities to be selected but I cannot select one. Additionally I cannot rename or delete them. If I launch the Microsoft Repair Utility it does not show any Identities and freezes up. HELP!
I understand, that the files with extension olk14MsgAttach are files used by Microsoft outlook to handle attachments.  I found them in Documents/Microsoft User Data/ Office 2011 Identities/Main Identity/...

Could something be wrong with those, since I have about 12Gb of those? 
I would like to get rid of them to save space on a crowded disk.

I also have a series of Office 2008 files hanging in a similar place, although I have upgraded to Office 2011 long time ago - can all these files (the directory calle Office 2008 Identities) just be discarded?


 Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR [IN-USE] account is locked by another session or for maintenance, try again.', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC92


This is the error msg I get after I type in user name and password - over and over and over and over.  Phone call to tech support is one BIG JOKE.