Ok, so, I'm loving my new mac, but am frustrated with the limited capabilities of Microsoft Office.
I need the ability to edit multiple contacts in outlook. Since I can't export just a group of contacts (not smart, if you ask me!), I need to be able to add a defining column to the contacts so that when I export my contacts to use, I can grab just the
two groups that I need. I have catagorized all the contacts, but in the export process, the category isn't included. How can I edit multiple contacts?
For Example:
I have 672 contacts in a group that we'll call "Clients". I have 6 other email groups in outlook. I have catagorized all of the "Clients" emails to be the color orange. I now need to add a column, say "Nickname" and have all 672 contacts updated with a
"Nickname" of clients so that when I export to an excel file, I can sort by "Nickname" and grab just my "Client" emails to use in an email campaign through vertical response.
I know this was possible with the windows version, because I did it. Also, the windows version allows for exporting of just certain folders within the contacts.
Microsoft, PLEASE add this feature into outlook! We have got to be able to manage our contacts better!
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