I have received an e-mail from (removed for security reasons) advising that a "DGTFX Trojan virus" has been detected in my windows live folders. They require my user name & password so that my account can be "upgraded to a new 1024-bit RSA key anti-virus firewall". They further advise that my e-mail account will be terminated if I do not respond..Can you please adivse if this is a legitimate e-mail to which I should respond.
I just recieved an email from "hotmail customer cre(*** Email address is removed for privacy ***) They say a trojan virus has been detected in my windows live folders and Y should click the reply tab and fill in all my user name, pass word year of birth and country in order for them to upgrade my account with the new secure 1024 bit key anti virus firewall. Is this legitimate. The subject line says, "Email Alert (Verigy Now!!)
instant messager is not working properly, i can send a response to an im but it is not received. when i type the response it is in the color and font I had set up but when i hit send it changes the color and font and automatically the person i am sending to appears offliine. I contacted that person but they were sitll signed in and did not receive my IM. this has happened several times today. a couple of days ago i think i was exposed to a virus.
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