Almost every day everyone in my address book gets a virus email from me.  How can I get rid of it?
I recently received a virus through an email marked "Private Message".  This also has gone to all my contacts.  When I tried to send an email to all my contacts to let them know, it gave a message saying there is a daily limit and I can't send it.  What do I do?
i just recv'd an email that says it is from hotmail cust. care support and it say that a HTK4S virus has been detected in my email folders and i should copy and paste the given link in my browser within the next 24 hrs or my email account will be deleted.  is this true?  and what am i suppose to do?

I have received an e-mail from (removed for security reasons) advising that a "DGTFX Trojan virus" has been detected in my windows live folders. They require my user name & password so that my account can be "upgraded to a new 1024-bit RSA key anti-virus firewall". They further advise that my e-mail account will be terminated if I do not respond..Can you please adivse if this is a legitimate e-mail to which I should respond.

I just recieved an email from "hotmail customer cre(*** Email address is removed for privacy ***) They say  a trojan virus has been detected in my windows live folders and Y should click the reply tab and fill in all my user name, pass word year of birth and country in order for them to upgrade my account with the new secure 1024 bit key anti virus firewall. Is this legitimate. The subject line says, "Email Alert (Verigy Now!!)


instant messager is not working properly, i can send a response to an im but it is not received. when i type the response it is in the color and font I had set up but when i hit send it changes the color and font and automatically the person i am sending to appears offliine. I contacted that person but they were sitll signed in and did not receive my IM. this has happened several times today. a couple of days ago i think i was exposed to a virus.


I got a warning that I had possably been sent a virus. Is this a real e-mail address for my safety or a scam?
I received the following message from "*** Email address is removed for privacy ***" and need to know if this is legit please:  Welcome to Hotmail. Windows MSN Hotmail is faster, safer than ever before and filled with new ways to stay in touch. Storage space that grows with you means you shouldn't have to worry about deleting your e-mail, and the new calendar makes it easy to share your schedule with family and friends. Due to increased spam and phishing activities globally, a DGTFX trojan virus has been detected in your windows live folders. Your email account will be upgraded with our new secure 1024-bit RSA key anti-virus firewall to prevent damage to our email servers and to your important files. Click your reply tab, fill the columns below and send back to us or your email account will be terminated to avoid spread of the virus.  /// Anyone know of this?? Thanks
I received a DGTFX Virus notification saying my email account needed to be upgraded, wanting my name, user name,password and d.o.b.  Warning I will lose my account permanently if not verified in two weeks from the Windows Live Team.????????????