I have been having a problem with Windows Live Mail 2011. It will freeze in the middle of receiving new emails and requires that I restart the computer; then it may work for a while. I am running Windows 7 Home Edition, and suspect the Live Mail program
has been corrupted. Is there a way to uninstall Live Mail and reinstall it via a download?
I had a confirmation letter from SOTX.org for special olympics that was in my email. I can no longer find it. Is there a way to retrieve it?
I think it may have been from october of 2011.
So I've added some custom fields to a contact and would like to have this configuration appear for all new contacts but there does not seem to be a way to do this. I'm guessing this is going to fall under the "this isn't possible but feel free to submit
a feature request" category which seems to be the case will all related topics I've been reading such as renaming the custom fields to something more meaningful than 'Custom 1, Custom 2" etc.
Of course, I'd be happy to be wrong with my assumption and would appreciate any feedback.
Of course, I'd be happy to be wrong with my assumption and would appreciate any feedback.
I have multiple email addresses including some gmail addresses. Just recently (about the last month) whenever I send email from my default msn address it is sent out with a gmail return address. I cannot find a way to correct this. Even when I delete the gmail account from Windows Live Mail it still appears on sent messages.
about every 2 - 5 minutes I get this error code and it hangs my email for about 30 sec each time. Any way to clear the error??
12-12-04 8:58 am Could not synchronize record: College Fair to Exchange server: (name of my server)
this appeared again at 9:01, 9:09, 9:11, 9:12, 9:14 etc...
Been doing this since October!
I would like to know if there is a way that I can have a confirmation telling me that the email that I sent someone was recieved and read? I am working on some things and need to be able to verify whether or not someone has recieved and read my email as intended.
Is there a way to "forward" all my birthdays from 2012 to 2013 without going through the "task" of manually changing them, or adding them one at t time to 2013?
I answered an ad online for a pug puppy.I received an answer from *** Email address is removed for privacy *** and I would love to know where it originated as I believe this person is scamming for money.For instance it supposedly came from a remote outback Australian town ,Pop.316.Rang
the Post Office there to be told they didnt recognise the name Jane Brooks and didnt know of anyone in town by that name.Also Email was written in very poor english and the person seemed way to eager to proceed with transaction on any weekday but being familiar
with the town and knowing freight is only carried on Tuesday and Friday, I thought this was off!Your early response would be greatly appreciated.
My email is *** Email address is removed for privacy ***
Glenda Booth
My email is *** Email address is removed for privacy ***
Glenda Booth
As soon as I went to https, I was not able to open my e-mails...I want to go back and drop the s in https, but cannot find where I can do this...I have a mac and use safari.....I want to go back to the way it was....
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