I just bought a new computer and transferred everything via Windows Easy Transfer.  I'd researched ahead of time, so thought knew all the issues I'd have and thought I was good.  All my OE mail supposedly transferred into storage files.  I found them and all the folders were there, albeit in a different order.  I checked several, and except for realizing I may have to reorder some, everything looked good.  Went into a sub folder this morning and found an email with the correct subject line, but displaying an incorrect email.   It was an email from another subfolder.  Started checking more emails in more sub folders.  The same misplaced email is in message after message.  What happened to my email???  After spending the entire weekend setting everything up, I am so depressed.
I want to bring my entire address book, saved emails sorted into folders and calendar with recurring events. Can anyone tell me how to do this? Tried Windows Easy Transfer but that did not bring over my email stuff. Current system is an XP if that makes any difference.
Used Windows Easy Transfer to export the content from a  Vista system running  Win Mail  Target is a new Win 7 system running Live Mail.

Successfully did the export to a flash drive. At least I'm assuming that I did because Easy Transfer told me it was successful.

Moved the flash drive to the new system.  Double clicked the Easy Transfer file on the flash drive and it launched the import.  Again, I got a progress bar and a confirmation that the import succeeded.   

When I went to look for the transferred folders in Live Mail, they weren't there  The data folders transferred OK but not the mail store  On a hunch, I used Live Mail's email import tool. I responded to the Question box looking for the input format with the fact that the input would be in Win Mail Format.   It found the  Easy Transfer file on the flash drive  as  it found that it contained email.  I assumed that it  would put it in Live Mail's mail store. So the fact that it didn't ask me where I wanted to put it didn't seem odd.

The mail import took off and  showed me a series of message boxes with progress bars--one for each folder that was on the old system.  It finished without error and I went into Live Mail to admire Easy Transfer's handywork.  Needless to say, it wasn't anywhere to be found.

Anybody have any ideas as to where  Live Mail's import tool might have put the mail?  It told me that the import succeeded but no clue as to where the imported mail folders went.   Even an idea as to what file extension Live Mail uses for the folders would help  as that might let me find them with search. 

Thanx in advance.

Steve From a very wet and windy MD