
I am trying to add a domain to Windows Live Admin Centre at domains.live.com

Every time I try to add I get the message:

This domain name can't be used because it contains a protected word or inappropriate language. Please contact support if you feel this is not the case.

Support link seems to send my browser in a loop and can't get to where I need?

Could anyone advise, I've been trying to get this sorted since last Friday, and keep getting told to go to different places by people from Microsoft!

Would really like to just add this domain and get on with using it!

Thanks in advance

Hi There,

I am trying to create www.oktav.is-a-doctor.com from Windows Live Admin Centre however I can't make it with the following error

"This domain name can't be used because it contains a protected word or inappropriate language. Please contact support if you feel this is not the case."

My intention is to create an email for my niece's and she is a doctor. I already regoster this domain from dyndns.

Please let me know if I can/can't create this domain.

Thank you
