11. June 2014 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized · Tags: ,
I am using Windows Live Mail 2009 on W7 and cannot export my contacts so I can upgrade to a newer version.  Please help me solve this problem.

I was unable to add a name to my Windows Live contacts. I read an entry that said I should update Windows Live to get around this problem. When I tried to do so, the "Update" was not available to me, only the uninstall. Upon further reading, it sounded like this would be the way to do this, so I uninstalled Windows Essentials (including Mail, obviously). I assumed (stupidly, admittedly) that the reinstall would reconnect with all my former files and folders and contacts. Now I'm unable to download and install Live at all. I get messages stating that an install is already in progress, I get error message 0X80040607, and I am panicking that I've totally lost all my e-mail on Live -- even though I'm sure it's still on my computer somewhere. Please tell me how I can just get back to the point I was when I started all this. Being unable to update a contact seems like a trivial thing at this point... HELP???!!! I've seen some entries about deleting Live folders via a CMD uninstall, but I would like to ensure that if any of my e-mails/contact info/etc. are still on my disk, I can access them... Please tell me all is not lost.

Whenever I try to sign in to my windows -live account (to get to the contacts). I get told "To sign in you must be connected to the internet". But I am. The application says "working online" and I can successfully get email. Any suggestions?
I am a new Windows 8 user.  I downloaded Windows Live Essentials and installed Windows Live Mail 2012 to my PC.  I also exported my Windows Live messages and contacts from my laptop which has Windows 7 installed.

I had no problem importing the Windows Live contacts to the newly installed program.  However I am having a problem importing the messages.  When I try to import them from the three different folders they are in -- one for drafts, one for sent, and one for old inbox, I get an error message that states the following: "No messages can be found in this folder or another application is running that has the required folders open."  

This is despite the fact that the folders are filled with Windows Live 2011 messages and there is no other application running that is using the folders -- not even Windows Explorer.

I am hoping someone will see the message and give me some advice regarding how to deal with this.  Amazingly, when my husband bought a new Windows 8 laptop a couple of months ago, I had not problem importing his mail from Vista's Windows Mail program.

Unable to export Windows Live Contact into BT Yahoo contacts - message I receive in the Import to BT Yahoo is that the file is not in a .vfc format.  Have viewed file using notepad and it looks OK.
BT Yahoo have also tried to fix the problem.
Windows Live email installed in April 2013
Contacts .vfc created using Outlook in July 2012 will Import to BT Yahoo OK.
Anyone got any clues - Help???
Hotmail contacts entries have a place for street addresses. I can't find that in Windows Live Mail. Should I keep looking, or will I have to change to a different address book if I want street mailing addresses?