
Right now, I use Windows Live Mail on my home computer.

Is the information stored in my hard drive?

Or can I access the same information including contacts and files from another device, say my work station at the office?

Many thanks.

Delete the photo email, create a new one, and try to send it again.

Server: 'smtp.comcast.net'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x8CCC0001
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 587
Secure(SSL): No

I am unable to reinstall Windows Live Mail (Error: 0x80040609 Source: Contacts) even after uninstalling all Windows Essentials components (from Control Panel or with "cmd"  as was suggested in earlier posts.  [running Win7 x64, AMD 11 x6 and 12GB RAM].

 I have tried about all the suggestions on this site relating to Live Mail reinstall issues, including uninstalled and reinstalled Microsoft.NET 4.5.1 and running the  “cmd sfc /scannnow” reported all files were OK.  I’ve checked Firewall status, etc., and even resorted to uninstalling MSE .  (And now also am unable to reinstall that MS antivirus program as well!! Scary! ) HOWEVER, I could successfully install AVAST antivirus to restore protection of my system ~ and also been able to install and use other ‘registry’ and ‘junk’ cleaners’  (which were suggested elsewhere  in this forum).  Still nothing will allow the install of either the Windows Live Mail ~ or the entire package of Windows Essentials  (or Microsoft Security Essentials!)!   I MUCH prefer the Windows Live I've used for years for my email and want it back ~ Outlook is a desktop space hog .   Thanks for your help! :-)

can anyone help me?

Original title: windows 8.1 cant get email working want to use windows live mail, pop 3 server

I installed Windows Essential 2012 on my Windows 7 laptop. None of the programs will start. As an example, I select Windows Live Mail the screen displays the blue circle for a few seconds and then disappears. I uninstalled and reinstalled a couple of times and the same problems occur.

This occured after I reinstalled the system to its factory image and updated with over 100 updates. Any ideas as to why this is occuring?

How does one delete the extra junk mail folder that has appeared in Windows Live Mail (Windows 8.1) It will not respond to either the delete or rename commands

When I try and open attachment receive message 'Windows cannot access the specified device path or file.  You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item'.

Windows Live Mail 2012

Under:  Quick Views - All email

1) select an email to delete

problem: email is no longer immediately deleted. The red X on top grays out and you no longer can open or read that email (receive error message) but remains visible in the  Quick view - All email tab selected pane

expected : email to be removed immediately to the appropriate accounts deleted items folder like before

work around : select any other quick view tab or account tab and then reselect:  quick views - All email . Email is now sent to the proper deleted items folder and no longer shown.

2) Receive an email notification sound 

problem: if in : Quick Views -All email  The email does not show up until selecting another side tab (Accounts -inbox/Junk/sent etc or any OTHER Quick views tab) and reselecting: Quick views - All email the incoming email will now be displayed.

expected: Email to show as soon as notification is received

Additional info

Delete works and emails show up correctly if any other tab under Quick Views is selected (unread mail/ all inbox/ all sent)  or under the different email account tabs (Inbox/drafts/sent items/junk email) it only happens when in the (All email) view under  (Quick Views)

Unable to send or receive messages for the Hotmail account.

Server Error: 0x80048820
Server: 'https://mail.services.live.com/DeltaSync_v2.0.0/Sync.aspx'
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x80048820

can delete and create account but no syncronization

Original Title: cannot access hotmail