I have updated to Skype and I have lost all my contact with my windows live messenger?
Previous title : *** Email address is removed for privacy ***
08 de febrero 2013.
Al utilizar Windows live Messenger, me permite accesar a mi dirección de Hotmail, y me despliega la ventana principal. Enseguida le solicito abrir la bandeja de entrada de correo y me despliega los mensajes del historial, Al seleccionar alguno de ellos para abrir su contenido, no me permite visualizarlo y me indica que no puede acceder a Hotmail.
Este problema empezó cuando usé la opción de usar skype, porque el Messenger ya no tendría servicio de mantenimiento; nadamás que se me perdió la opción de seguir viendo mis mensajes de correo del historial ya dentro de skype.
Me regresé a instalar de nuevo Windows live Messenger y ya no puede desplegar los mensajes de mi bandeja de correo.
Cómo lo puedo resolver, porque no quiero perder el historial de mensajes ya registrados en mi cuenta de correo de Hotmail ???
Muchas gracias por su respuesta.
e-mail : *** Email address is removed for privacy *** y *** Email address is removed for privacy ***
I send a friend invitation to my friend's msn account and my friend send me a friend invitation from his account. Both of us can't see any waiting approval and we can't see online status of each other, what's wrong?
*I have tried both Windows Live Messenger and lastest Skype
*I'm in Hong Kong, my friend is in China
*Both of us can use Messenger to send/receive to our existing friends
*We have tried to delete and re-invite but still don't have any waiting approval or acceptance to see each others
*Windows 7 Enterprise x64
Je n'ai plus accès à mon courriel. Lorsque je vais sur windows live messenger, on me dit : Nous n'avons pu vous connecter à Windows live messenger. Le code d'erreur est le: 8004882e
Mëme si je clique sur dépanner, je n'ai aucun résultat.
Merci de bien m'aider
I have tried numerous methods to get my Hotmail account to merge with Skype pending the change on 15th March, that none of us want bye the way.
I have an HP all in one computer less than 6 months old with i3 chip on Windows 7 home premium.
Because of the stress that these constant attempts to merge these accounts over many days I have now uninstalled Windows Live Messenger and Skype and express my disgust that something being forced upon us doesn't even work and going by the hundreds of blogs out there I'm not on my own.
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