je n'arrive plus à me connecter sur windows live messenger, il me marque réessayer a chaque fois, puis erreur code 800488eb. Pouvez-vous m'aider cela fait 2 jours. Bien a vous 
When I try to sign in to Windows Live Messenger, the list of friends appears on my screen as normal and then disappears immediately.  I tried to download the latest version ( not sure if I already had it)  but it says I already have Windows Live Messenger! Help!
I am using windows live mail with windows 8 and internet explorer 10. Each day all of my previous emails are no longer there. Is there a control that deletes emails each day If so I cannot find it. Please help as this is a real problem for me.
Não consigo abrir o Messenger no Windows Vista Premium.
Não consigo abrir o Messenger no Windows Vista Premium.
I have two e-mail accounts in Windows Live Mail. A friend who sends me e-mails keeps having them returned to her and I don't receive them. This is a recent problem  and neither of us have made any changes. My ISP told me she should contact hers as it is something to do with the blacklist but they were unable to help.
Some emails aren't arriving through Windows Live Mail on my Windows 7 system on my PC.  Know this because am getting them on my IPad.  Server is BT .
when I am in my WLM desktop I am trying to eliminate the Calendar column to the right of the page but I cannot see a place where I can do it.
CNet says I do not have the latest version (16.4.3505) of Windows Live Mail, but I do not know how to download it.  I do not know what version I have now, nor where to go to download the latest version.
    I totally missed out on the fact that my anti-viral program had expired and 'acquired' some malware in the time it took me to install MS Security Essentials.  However, since this time, I've had a couple of events which led me to suspect that damage had already been done - not least of which is the fact that I now can't log in to my Windows Live Mail or Messenger.  I simply get a message saying I can't be signed in because the service is 'temporarily unavailable' and an error code of 80070005.
   Trying to check this out as a bit of a dummy, I just find myself going round in circles and am worried that I may delete something meaningful in my efforts to repair it.  Can anyone help please?