I'm having a problem with Windows Live Mail.  Some of my contacts are unable to send me an e-mail.  Yhey are getting undeliverable/email address does not exist messages even when they try to reply to my email.  They had no problemswheb I previously used XP and Outlook.  Also, some of the pictures coming with an email do not come thru.  Any suggestions?
In Windows Live Mail I received Error Code: 0x8CCC0002, when sending an email message.  What is the problem and how is it corrected?  I cannot resolve problem nor send messages with problem unresolved

I recently migrated to a new laptop and imported my old Outlook 6 messages to Windows Mail Live. I then compacted. I was able to use Windows Live normally, send and receive messages, etc., for about a day. The next time I closed Windows Mail Live, it started a process showing a box that says "Making a backup copy of the current database . . ."

That was 2.5 days ago. It still says it is backing up, the disk is still running constantly, the computer is slow, and I cannot open Windows Mail Live to access my messages.

I have a good-sized email database (about 10G in Outlook 6), but I am concerned that (a) something is wrong, and the backup will never finish, or (b) it could be days or weeks before it finishes and I am again able to access my messages via Windows Live Mail.

Can I safely stop the back-up process? Is it normal for it to take so long? (I have a 7200 disk, and a three-month old Dell XPS15 with 8G RAM, so I doubt it is a speed-of-hardware issue.) Also, how can I set settings so that backups in the future are less long or done less frequently?

I am using Windows 7 Home Premium. Windows Mail Live updated as of October 1, 2012. Dell XPS15 laptop.

Thanks in advance.

I have recieved an e:mail supposedly from the Windows Live team asking me to enter all my details and password

I am dubious about its origin can someone confirm if this info request is genuine or not


Everytime I go to my hotmail/live email account it makes my Windows Live Messenger sign out and then shut down.


"Windows Live Messenger


Windowss Live Messenger has enounctered a problem and needs to close.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.


If you were in the middle of something, the information you were working on might be lost.


Please tell Microsoft about this problem.

We have created an error report that can send to help us improve Windows Live

Messenger. We will treat this report as confidential and anonymous.


What data does this error report contain?


                                                                             Send Error Report              Don't Send"



I am using Windows Live Mail desktop, Version 2011 (Build 15.4.3555.0308.
It shows one unread message in the inbox but I can't find it. How do I temporarily change the settings so it shows only unread messages?
I know this is not hotmail but every time I searched it sent me here.

How to add Holidays to Windows live mail?
I am trying to change the Birthday details in one of my contacts.

Every time I try to save the changes, I get told that Hotmail is unable to save the changes and to try later.

I checked the service status and all is OK.
I am using Windows 7 Pro 64bit

My browser is Google Chrome version v.22.0.1229.79m

Please could someone help me with this problem
I am using Windows 7.

My contact's picture has disappeared from my window on Windows Messenger Live and we cannot retrieve it.  Both our pictures show up on my contact's window, but only mine shows up in my window.  How do we get it back?