Since Yahoo did their update, I constantly get a send/receive error and a little box that wants me to verify my password, etc.  I cannot get email in Outlook.

Original title: Can I Import my contacts from Yahoo mail to Hotmail.


I would like to Import Contacts from Yahoo Mail Can this be done and if so how do I do it?  Please be very specific and give details on where to go and what to do.

I'm signing in (using RoboForm) to: . This takes me to the sign-in page and my Username and Password are filled in. But instead of then opening my Inbox, a get a Yahoo page telling my the page cannot be found. Then it goes back to my (Yahoo) Home page. I can access my Inbox by entering: . Did the URL change?

Dear Outlook User,

We detected a login attempt with valid password to your email using the reset password

option by answering the security Questions and Answers from an unrecognized device on Wed, Jun 12, 2013 2:27 PM BST.

Location: Russia, Noyabrsk (IP=

Note: The location is based on information from your Internet service or wireless carrier provider.

Was this you? If so, you can disregard the rest of this email.

If this wasn't you, please follow the links below to protect your Yahoo! account information from potential future account compromise:

To learn how to sign-in alerts like this one can help you to protect your account information, please view the attached PDF file.


Outlook! Account Services ©2013 Microsoft

©2013 Microsoft
I am not having problems receiving but cannot the majority of my emails stay in my outbox from my Yahoo mail account.  I receive an error message: connection to server failed or dropped.  This only happens with Yahoo mail and at times it will go thru.  I have Mac 2011.  Please help
I'm having problems sending group emails with Mac entourage 2008 on sky Yahoo. I get error message 17895. I also cannot retrieve my mail folder archive
I have generated a CSV file from Yahoo. I want to import that into Windows lLive Mail. I have tried a few times. but the e-mail adresses don't seem to get entered. Obviously I'm doing something wrong. What?

I was unhappy with the change from Hotmail to Outlook, but have managed to get used to it. What really annoys me is the column of 'hints' or 'try this' suggestions which occupys a quarter of the page of incoming and outgoing draft and sent emails.

I have tried in vain to find something to click on to delete it.

Please help or I will have not choice but to give up Outlook/Hotmail and use my other email accounts with Yahoo and Three.

These items I'm talking about are not advertiements. They are originated by Outllo/Hotmail and refer to

1. Skydrive - "try this

2.Move or delete with Sweep - "learn more"

3. Register your computer as Trusted = "do it now"


I've read these and choose to ignore them. I just want this column out of the way please.


Roger Arnold Bournemouth


I have Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2011 for Mac. 2010 and 2013 work just fine, but when I try and add my Yahoo (ymail) account or even my Live account for Mac 2011 it just densest work? All the settings are exactly the same as is for my Windows based Outlooks. I just don't get it? My Google (gmail) accounts are the only thing I can get working. They have the green little icon next to them, but for the Live I get non or yellow icon and for Yahoo I get none.

Thanks =(

Community Microsoft





Whats wrong. Yahoo has died the death nothing works well, it sticks takes a long time

to upload my contacts, what is going on. Windows live no problems thank god, but yahoo

has a big problem had to remove messenger ( whatever it had for breakfast didn't go down to well )


It looks like yahoo had a bad date!!!




Omar Stewart