Having recovered from MS's SkyDrive fault with missing photos and thumbnails over the last few days (during which I gave Michelle Anne D my MS Account email address) I now find that
(1) I cannot upload files and
(2) I cannot get to Outlook.com.
1. Uploads hang and then give an error message "Sorry, there was a problem uploading this file. Please try again", retries also fail. I notice that whereas previously clicking on 'Upload' would produce a panel giving the option of 'drag and drop' or 'browse' it now goes straight to 'Choose file to upload' in an explorer window. I have tried various file types and destination folders and with files that previously uploaded OK.
2. If when logged in to SkyDrive I attempt to select Outlook.com from the drop-down - a number of empty grey pages ( dub120.mail.live.com ? ) open and close in quick succession and the logon (email/ password ) page reappears with the message "Something went wrong and we cannot log you on at the moment. Please try again later".
If I go to my 'Public' folder (which of course does not need a logon) and attempt to select Outlook.com from the drop down - I get a logon (email/password) page as expected but then the same thing happens and the same "Something went wrong . . ." error message appears but on returning to my 'Public' folder I find that I have in fact been logged-in to SkyDrive !
The same errors happen when logged into my wife's MS Account on my own PC (W7 Pro SP1, IE10), but on my wife's PC (Vista HP SP2, IE9) both of our MS Accounts behave normally and uploads complete and Outlook.com opens.
I have no SkyDrive applications installed on either PC, it's all web site activity.
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