Hi I'm in desperate need of help.

I had an old hotmail account made like 12 years ago. I created a Facebook account with that email address. I didn't really use it. I made a new email address and stopped using the old one. 

An ex has gained control of my old Facebook account and has changed the pw. He's now threatening to post up pics of me and he's adding and messaging people in my name.

I cannot reset the password as it's linked to the old hotmail.com address which has been deleted by Microsoft (they have confirmed this by email yesterday). They said they were unable to help me and that I should upload a post to this forum.

I want to make a new account with EXACTLY the same name so that I can log in and reset my password.

I've contacted Facebook and also had to upload some form of ID which I did but no response and he's still using my account. I'm so panicked and stressed. Tried to sign up but it doesn't allow me to create a .com address. 

What on earth am I to do. I desperately need to change that password and get control of that account, I have no idea what's he's done so far.

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