When opening the calendar on outlook.com with IE11 I get a page with the following message:
To get the most out of Microsoft services, we recommend that you take a few minutes to upgrade to the current version of one of these browsers:
Another issue with IE11 is that the layout of menu bar at the top is broken for mail and people.
The first issue is also described in the following thread: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windowslive/forum/mail-calendar/cannot-display-oulookcom-calendar-using-ie-11/792dfa0a-98d4-45c3-8faa-7560204e5bae?tab=question&status=AllReplies.
In that thread I indicated that I have the same problem as the thread starter and Eugene R (Microsoft Forum Moderator) opened a private message section where I added screenshots of the issues. Latest advice from Eugene was to create a new thread for this, so here I am...
Thanks for looking into this!
Kind regards,
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