What is the Hotmail.com.au feature for switching from another email provider to Hotmail.com.au, now that True Switch is dyfunct;
/ what is the current process to transfer all my e-mail folders and emails from Yahoo to Hotmail.com.au.
Seeking simple, quick, efficient solutions; not a "novel" of instructions. Time is of the essence. I use both Microsoft and Apple operating systems (e-communicating has become so ridiculously complex, thanks to the exhaustion of non-user-friendly "upgrades").
As info, due to incredibly - "sucky" - Yahoo upgrades this year, after 15 years of technical gliches and wasted time that I don't have spare, I've had a gutful of Yahoo. Also, due to Yahoo's continuous blatant unobjective media reporting - I won't support
that site ever again, and will be encouraging all my relatives and friends to migrate. As a public e-mail service, Yahoo should butt-out of playing/ manipulating the mass populations and stirring reactionaryism - that's what politicians do.
[ Nb FYI this message herewith entered into Hotmail.com.au Community on 19 July 2013 ]
Kind regards
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