I tried to change my primary alias from my old hotmail.com alias to my outlook.com alias. Once I did this I cannot access any of my email. I keep getting the error message "
We're updating your inbox Please
wait a few minutes and then try again." I have been waiting HOURS!!! and I cannot get to my email from any of my devices - 2 laptops, 1 iPhone, 1 Kindle Fire. I have cleared the cache on each of my laptops -- still does not work. I have tried accessing
my email from IE10, Google Chrome and Firefox -- still does not work!
Then I changed my primary alias back to my hotmail.com email address -- still will not work -- keep getting the same error message.
I never had these kinds of problems when I used gmail as my primary email. I changed back to MS because I could get an email address at outlook.com that was better suited to my business. I have had repeated problems with hotmail & outlook.
I am a small business person -- I cannot afford to have my email down!!!
Need help!!!
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