We are getting this message whenever we receive emails from @arayna.com addresses. We know this email address isn't fraudulant because we own it and use it for our piano teaching business. A SPF on this domains email was set up months ago but this has made no difference. The SPF was set up to combat a problem we had with "Viagra" emails being sent with our domain name - a common practice as I'm sure you are aware, and one which is totally out of our control. This has now stopped and the spammers presumably have moved on to some other unsuspecting victim.
SPF, to my understanding, works by compairing the senders address with the return address. We are sending emails from our own @arayna domain address to our **Removed for security purposes** account, so in this case we know that the addresses are the same. I fail to see how SPF would prevent the problem we are getting as it is intended to reject emails with differing addresses.
If any prospective clients email us for rates etc... and our reply to them is met with your "Be careful! This sender has failed our fraud detection checks." it could not only damage our reputation with them, but they could then go on to tell others. The use of the word "Fraud" is quite emotive, especially as you have never contacted us to test the validity of our domain, and we feel that your message in this instance could be held as libel.
As you can see, we are very angry that your system is branding our domain as such, and would be most greatful if things can be put right as soon as possible.
From: | Arayna Morgan (*** Email address is removed for privacy ***)This sender is in your contact list. |
Sent: | 28 August 2013 18:25:37 |
To: | *** Email address is removed for privacy *** |
Be careful! This sender has failed our fraud detection checks. |
Best regards,
Paul Morgan
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