On Monday night 27/07/20 our work PC updated to the new version of Windows 10. When I got in on Tuesday morning our email system is no longer working.
I have attached a photo of the error message we receive. I have googled so much but cannot find a solution for this. I even installed Windos Live Mail 2012 onto my personal laptop to see if I could use it through that but it threw up even more errors.
Another big issue is that I cannot export our email either to back it up as that also shows error message.
I tried to uninstall the mail programme and re-install it but you cannot find the older version of Windows Live Essentials 201, or I couldn’t anyway. I have tried updating anything else that is needed for the new version of Windows.
It would be great if anybody had some advice for me of what else could be tried or do I need to wait for a patch?
I understand that we should probably move over to a different system but I love the interface of Windows Live Mail 2012.
If you can’t see the photo error message reads:
*unable to send or receive messages for the Work account. An uknown error has occured.
Server ‘mail.madasafish.com’
Windows Live Mail error ID: 0x800C013E
Protocol: POP3
Port: 110
Secure (SSL): No
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