I have a Xbox live account under the email *** Email address is removed for privacy *** that corresponds to the xboxlive name awe377. For whatever reason when i returned from vacation and tried to use Netflix it asked me to sign in again, I tried to use what I thought was the correct
password multiple times before beginning the password reset process. Unfortunately the yahoo account had been disabled so I went through every other route possible trying the secuirty question multiple times till I found the correct answer written down. However
at that point it was to late so I moved on to the verification process. When it came to this It was difficult to decide which information to put in because when it was made it was a child account, its not anymore but I wasn't sure what information to use.
Now I have received an email telling me to just make a new account however Id really rather not. So I went back and after a bit of time found how to get into the old yahoo account. However when asking to send me the reset link I never receive an email. So
after all this I have come here to hope that MAYBE someone here could help me. Thanks!
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