03. September 2017 · Write a comment · Categories: Uncategorized

Every time that I convert my movie "project" in to an mp4 movie so that I can then use it for other purposes, jump cuts completely change. 

For example, if I said "Hi guys, I love pepperoni, how are you today?" when I cut out the "I love pepperoni" on the editor, it plays back with absolutely no problems, cutting from "hi guys" to "how are you today?" 

However, when I 'save movie' and it converts to mp4, the cut is completely different. Instead saying, "hi guys, I love, you today?" 

Which in that example appears funny but in reality my footage now looks completely terrible and is incoherent. 

I seen another post about this and followed the instructions advised to them but it is not working for me. To clarify my footage I am using is not already mp4, it is MTS. Recorded in 1080p HD. I am not jump cutting anything as short as that, it is purely an example, so I do not think the clip length is the cause. I have already tried updating my drivers which also did not work. I have even saved it at different bit rates which didn't make a difference either. 

I am actually really annoyed as I spent hours on it and I actually paid the extra money to Microsoft so that I could save my creations in 1080p, only for it to not be working. 

Please help me! 

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