Windows Live Mail - eMail -
WLM - No "content" when cc or bcc received on MY computer - all OK received on other computers
. ONLY the SUBJECT & the TO ADDRESS are in CCs & BCCs received on my (the source) computer.
. the "sent mail" folder contains the FULL CONTENT <<==
WHY do MY WLM eMails - my cc's or bcc's -
. come in to MY inbox with
. NO CONTENT (usually but not always) -
. containing ONLY the
. SUBJECT & the
. TO ADDRESS . <== ??? ???
and - also -
. They come in with no content
. to my wife's address InBox -
. on MY computer -
but -
OK - full content is shown on the copies
. in MY computer's " sent mail " folder
and - Also -
. OK - full content -
. on my wife's & other recipients computers ???
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