Ever since the switchover from Hotmail to outlook, my outgoing mail shows a facebook picture that isn't mine. I actually don't even have a facebook account so I don't know how this picture was attached to my email. I've done lots of looking on this forum for answers and have tried all the suggested tips. I have tried to change my profile picture but the outgoing picture that email recipients see is still the incorrect facebook picture. I also tried to delete the facebook connection but there is no option to do this in the profile since I've never linked facebook to outlook/Hotmail (I never needed to link since I don't have a facebook account). I have also selected the option to not show third party content but that only changes the picture on my end and email recipients can still see this incorrect photo.

I haven't been sending emails from my outlook/Hotmail account for some time because I don't like that a picture that I cannot change is being sent for others to see. I would appreciate help on resolving this issue.


(This is a repost of the question I asked under the name "Larry5089". 'Johan_d' had responded with a private message but I was unable to access that account/message and had to create this new username. 'Johan_d'... if you are able to resend that private message to this account... I would appreciate it.)

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